Adding a new user or staff member to Vend
To set up a new user in Vend:
1. Click Setup -> Users
2. Once here, click the Add user button above the user list:
3. Fill in the User Details:
Username: This will be the name your user will use to login to Vend.
Display Name: This will be the name that will appear on receipts and in the top right of Vend.
Email Address: Here, you can put in the user's email address if you'd like.
Outlets: Select the outlet you wish the user to have access to. If you'd like the user to access all outlets, select 'all outlets'.
Password: Specify a password for the user. This will be the password this user enters when they sign into your Vend store. The user can change this themselves later by navigating to Setup -> Users when they're signed in.
User Role: This is the type of account the user will have(Cashier/Manager/Admin)
Profile image: The image that appears on login pages & user profiles.
4. Click Save User.
Vend will now prompt you for your own password to confirm creation.
Your new user can now login to Vend and get selling!
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