Adding a Supplier

Adding a Supplier


The following diagram demonstrates how a Supplier is captured in Unleashed.

You can optionally import Suppliers into the Purchase module by using the Import Purchases function.


You can either;

This page provides you with support information on how to do that.


About Add New Supplier Entry

The Supplier Entry page enables you to add Suppliers for you to purchase goods from. These Suppliers could include such organizations as;

  • customs, and/or
  • freight forwarding companies that charge for you their services.

Creating a Supplier is mandatory for Unleashed to work properly!


Tips for making new supplier entries

  • Supplier Code and Supplier Name are the only required fields
  • The supplier currency is required and it defaults to your base currency. This currency will not be editable once the supplier has been added and used in a transaction.
  • If a supplier issues an order in two or more currencies, then you must have a different supplier code and name for each currency.

Tips on naming your Suppliers

In Unleashed, there is no rule on how you should name your Suppliers. However, we have revised a list of key points that will help you stay in control and ensure you have a consistent and organized approached when naming Suppliers.

The following is a list of tips, to help you reach that goal.

  • Ensure that each supplier code is unique. No products should share the same code.
  • Ensure that each supplier has a meaningful code, this could be something related to the Supplier itself, a mix of alpha-numeric is possible, and you can always use other basic symbols such as - or _.
  • Try to avoid using '''0' or '00' '00' at the beginning of your Supplier Codes.
  • If you have a series of similar suppliers, think about using variants of the same Supplier Code.


Functional descriptions

Header button descriptions

View Suppliers: Navigates you to the View Suppliers page, from there you can view a list of Suppliers within your Unleashed account.
Add Suppliers: Navigates you to a new Add Supplier page, which you can enter the required details for a new Supplier. Every time the button is pressed, the page refreshes, ready for a new entry.
Add Purchase: Navigates you to the Add Purchase page, where you can enter a new Purchase Order entry.
Save: When the Save button is pressed, it will save your Supplier Entry into Unleashed.

The following topics describe the functions and features required to add a new supplier entry.

Details tab

Supplier Code & Supplier Name: Enter the desired Supplier Code and Name in these boxes. The Supplier Code has to be unique between suppliers and cannot change once it is set.
GST/VAT Number: If you have the Suppliers Tax Number, you can enter it in here.
Notes: If you have, any notes you wish to record for a supplier you can enter these here.
Taxable: If this Supplier is taxable, you can tick this box. If you leave it un-ticked then no tax will be added to the orders you create.
Tax Rate: If you have the taxable box checked, then you can also choose the tax rate you would like to use with this customer. The tax rates are loaded from your accounting provider or created by you if you do use your Accounting Provider's application.
Currency: This is the currency that your supplier uses for transactions.
Obsolete: A Supplier can only be deleted if there have been no transactions for them. If there has been some already then you can only obsolete them, which will hide them from all pages.
Bank Name, Branch & Account: If you have the bank details of the supplier, you can record these here.
Payment Term Description: This is where you select the payment terms you have with the supplier. If you are using Xero as your accounting provider, then the due date on the Xero order will be calculated using this.
Purchase Order Print template: Pre-defined template that you can select to determine the way the purchase order is presented when generating a printable document (PDF).
Supplier Return Print Template: Pre-defined template that you can select to determine the way the Supplier Return is presented when generating a printable document (PDF).


Address tab

Postal Address:  The postal address is what is printed on the purchase order.
Physical Address: The physical address is for your record of where their business is.

The Address Name has to be unique for every address.

Contact tab

Contact details of the supplier can be kept here which will also be exported to your accounting provider. The email address entered here is the email address it will default to when you try email a Purchase Order to this Supplier.


Purchases tab


The Purchases tab shows you all the transactions for the current supplier and enables you to Print, Cost or Receipt them in using the Action cog to the right.


Returns tab

The Returns tab shows you all the supplier returns for the current supplier and enables you to View, Print or Email, using the Action cog to the right.


Costing Tab

The Cost tab displays all costs related to the specified supplier. This will show you all of the purchase orders where a costing has been added for this Supplier.


Suppliers video tutorial

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