Closing Sale using Customers credit account

Closing Sale using Customers credit account

Creating credit accounts

Credit accounts are a great way to extend credit limits to your customers. By doing so, customers can pay for sales with their credit account until their credit limit is reached. Once they've reached their credit limit, they'll need to make payments towards their balance due to continue using their credit accounts. 


To create a credit account:

  1. From the main menu, click Customers > Customers.
  2. In the Customer field, type your customer's searchable details. You can also use the available filters to narrow your search results.
  3. Click the customer you want to create a credit account for.
  4. From the left menu, click Account.
  5. Under the Create Primary Account section, click + Create Account Now.
  6. Optionally, enter an amount in the Credit Limit field.
  7. Click Save Changes.


Paying for a sale/ layaway with a credit account

Following the steps to close all open layaways

Go to customers tab - > Click customer whose layaways needs to be closed -> Click on layaways -> Click Checkout -> Sale screen will open -> 
Select the Layaway tab -> you can either complete each layaway or click on Complete All to complete all layaway for the customer ->
Verify all the details entered for sales -> Next click Payment -> Make the payment using a payment type Account - > click Finish Sale

Note - Follow the practice of closing all the layaways in the same month of sales done. 

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