Closing Sale using Customers credit account
Creating credit accounts
To create a credit account:
- From the main menu, click Customers > Customers.
- In the Customer field, type your customer's searchable details. You can also use the available filters to narrow your search results.
- Click the customer you want to create a credit account for.
- From the left menu, click Account.
- Under the Create Primary Account section, click + Create Account Now.
- Optionally, enter an amount in the Credit Limit field.
- Click Save Changes.
Paying for a sale/ layaway with a credit account
Following the steps to close all open layaways
Go to customers tab - > Click customer whose layaways needs to be closed -> Click on layaways -> Click Checkout -> Sale screen will open ->
Select the Layaway tab -> you can either complete each layaway or click on Complete All to complete all layaway for the customer ->
Verify all the details entered for sales -> Next click Payment -> Make the payment using a payment type Account - > click Finish Sale
Note - Follow the practice of closing all the layaways in the same month of sales done.
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