Locked & System Account - Xero

Locked & System Account - Xero

Locked and System accounts in Xero chart of accounts

Locked accounts

You can edit a locked account, but you can't delete or archive the account. You can identify locked accounts by the padlock icon next to the account code. If you hover over the padlock icon, you'll see the reason the account is locked.

Locked accounts include system accounts. Xero locks other accounts if you've used them for the following purposes:

  • Repeating invoice
  • Bank rule that you have set up
  • Tracked inventory
  • Registered fixed asset
  • As the payment account for a Payment Service

If the locked account is not a system account, you can use it in transactions and manual journals.

System Account

System accounts are set by Xero. They're used for specific reporting or accounting purposes. You won't see all these accounts on your chart of accounts as some of them are used on reports or in the background by Xero.

Xero allows you to enter transactions or manual journals to some system accounts. Xero blocks you from entering transactions or manual journals to other system accounts. System accounts can't be un-locked, deleted or archived.

System account

Allows transactions or manual journals

Accounts Payable


Accounts Receivable


Bank Revaluation


Current Earnings




Historical Adjustments


Realized Currency Gains


Retained Earnings




Tracking Transfers


Unpaid Expense Claims


Unrealized Currency Gains


Wages Payable


Xero & Vend Integration

Important: We do not recommend that you map any Vend fields to the Xero accounts receivable account. Because accounts receivable is a system account in Xero, it cannot always receive payments and may cause errors in Vend.

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