Redeeming Promo Codes in store

Redeeming Promo Codes in store

Redeeming Promo Codes in store

Important: You will need to be on Vend on iPad version 3.0.1 and above to redeem promo codes whilst using Vend on iPad in store.

1. Once you have set up your promo codes and promotions, you will be able to redeem them on the Sell Screen when making a sale.

2. On the Sell Screen, process the sale as normal.

3. Click on Promo Code and add the promo code to the sale. You will notice that the promotion associated with the promo code will be added to the sale. Only one promo code can be added to a sale. In the event that an existing promotion has already been applied to the sale, once you enter in another promo code, the existing promotion will be replaced with the discounts associated with the latest promo code.

Note: If the promo code is incorrect or invalid, a warning message will appear notifying you of this.


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