Salesforce Connector Integration Guide

Salesforce Connector Integration Guide

The Unleashed - Salesforce connector enables you to manage inventory information and collate all customer information in Salesforce. 


What information is shared?

  • Stock levels - View products within Salesforce with live stock on hand and stock allocations for each warehouse.
  • Price book - Products are imported from Unleashed as a price book, including the taxes set in Unleashed.
  • Sales Orders - Create an opportunity within Salesforce, which will become a sales order in Unleashed. Add products to the order using Unleashed product codes - set the customer, delivery address and warehouse, and then sync to Unleashed.
  • Order processing - The order is synced to Unleashed and you can view it using the View Sales Orders option.


  1. Products can only be imported from Unleashed to Salesforce and the synchronization is not automatic.
  2. Customers are not created in Unleashed until the first sale is sent from Salesforce.

Salesforce Connector Tutorial

Installing the Salesforce Connector

  1. Go to Integration | Integration Store.
  2. Click Salesforce.
  3. On the Salesforce Appexchange page, click Get It Now.
  4. Click Log in to the AppExchange.
  5. Click Install in production.
  6. Select the Agree to Terms & Conditions checkbox and click Confirm and Install.
  7. Select  the required option:
  • Install for Admin only
  • Install for All Users
  • Install for Specific Profiles

10. Click Install

11. Select the Yes, grant access to these third-party web sites checkbox and click Continue. An Installing message appears while it is loading.

13. Once install is complete, click Done.

14. The landing page is displayed with the installed package details.

Salesforce Security Settings

In your Salesforce account, the following security permissions must be activated:

  1. Go to Administer | Manage Users | Profiles.
  2. Locate your profile and click on the profile name.
  3. Go to Field-Level Security | Standard Field-Level Security. For the following fields, click View and ensure the Read Access checkbox is selected for all fields.
    • Account
    • Opportunity
    • Opportunity Product
  4. Click Save.

Configuring the Connector 

Once you have installed the connector, complete the following setup steps for sync between Unleashed and Salesforce. 

Unleashed API ID and API Key

API key is only available for the account owner.

  1. In Unleashed, go to Integration | Unleashed API Access.
  2. Note the API ID and API Key values.

Salesforce Configuration

  1. On the Salesforce menu bar, click +.
  2. Click Customize My Tabs.
  3. From the Custom App drop-down list, select Unleashed.
  4. Add the following tabs from Available Tabs to Selected Tabs: Unleashed Configuration, Products, Accounts, and Opportunities.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Go to the Unleashed Configuration tab:
    1. Enter the API ID and API Key for the Unleashed API.

    2. Click Save API ID and Key.

    3. Click Import Unleashed Data.  This information includes: Products, Taxes, Delivery Methods, Warehouses, Salespersons and Sales Order Groups. You must import data at regular interviews to keep the information current between the two systems.

During the import, products are updated and will not duplicate products inside the price book. 

  1. Click Import Unleashed Customers to import your customers from Unleashed into Salesforce. It will try and match the customer name from Unleashed to the account name in Salesforce. Otherwise it will create a new account. When you click on the Import Customers button, the import will run in the background. Depending on the number of customers you have, it may take a couple of minutes. Unleashed Customers are available under Accounts in Salesforce.
  2. Add the Send to Unleashed button on the Salesforce Opportunity form to enable syncing Salesforce Opportunity records to Unleashed. The Salesforce Opportunity records are saved as Sales Orders in Unleashed.
    1. Open an existing Opportunity or create a new one (Create New | Opportunity).
    2. Click Edit Layout.

For Salesforce Classic:

  1. Select Buttons | Send to Unleashed and drag to Custom Buttons to add the Send to Unleashed button.
  2. Click Save. The Send to Unleashed button will be added to the Salesforce Opportunity form.

For Salesforce1 and Lightning Actions

  1. Click Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions to view the list of available options.
  2. In the Salesforce1 & Lightning Experience Actions area, click .
  3. Drag and drop the Send to Unleashed button.
  4. Click Save.
  1. Open an imported Unleashed product and verify.
    1. On the Products tab (if not available, click + and select Products from the list), open an imported Unleashed Product record and click Edit layout 
    2. Click Visualforce Pages
    3. Drag and drop under the Description Information heading:
      1.  ProductStockOnHand
      2. ProductSellPriceTiers
  2. Click Save. Your Stock On Hand and Sell Price Tier for the product will work directly from your Unleashed account.

Once you have completed your setup, your connector should be working accordingly. The next step is to get the two systems talking.

  1. While in Salesforce, when an Opportunity is ready to be sent to Unleashed as a Sales Order, click Send to Unleashed.
  2. The first view displays stock values at different warehouses and allows you to select your Warehouse.

    You can confirm all of the final details of this, before sending to Unleashed.

How it will work

The following process demonstrates how both systems will operate when the connector is setup and configured properly.

In terms of the integration, an Opportunity in Salesforce is a Sales Order in Unleashed.

Steps performed in Salesforce

The following is a work flow example of how a sales rep might process creating an Opportunity and turning it into a sales order in Unleashed.

  1. In Salesforce, a sales rep might look into one of their accounts, (from the Accounts tab), and create Opportunity (in Unleashed, this creates a sales order).
  2. They create the Opportunity, add a close date and select the stage type and then press Save.
  3. Add some products to the Opportunity from the Unleashed price book, the initial process is complete, it is then sent to the customer to accept.
    When adding a product to the the Opportunity, the line description will be used as a comment line on the actual sales order.
    The default sales price from Unleashed will be used, but you can still override it in this section.
  4. Customer then accepts the sales order.
  5. Then the sales rep, checks final settings and then presses Send to Unleashed.
  6. The Sales rep can then check the stock on hand on all warehouses by selecting one warehouse at a time in order to validate the opportunity. This is done from the Warehouse Selection page.
  7. The sales rep can then check the customer code (if new customer, they must check the customer code). Select other settings, i.e. tax, sales person - from your Unleashed account, and all the delivery information, required date, comments, sales group etc. All of these fields are mapped from the sales order, see (screenshot) example.
  8. The Sales rep then presses Send to Unleashed.

Steps performed in Unleashed

  1. The Sales rep will open Unleashed to check the sales order.
  2. From the Unleashed application, the sales rep will select from the Sales module, View Sales Orders.
  3. The sales rep then clicks on a specified sales order.
  4. The sales rep will be able to view all of the information that has flowed through from Unleashed, ready to be fulfilled.


Salesforce Unleashed
Product Name/Product Description Product Description
Product Code Product Code
Active Obsolete
Product Family Product Group
Never Diminishing Never Diminishing
Default Purchase Price Default Purchase Price



Salesforce Unleashed
Guid Guid
Customer Code Customer Code
Customer Name Customer Name
Customer Reference Customer Reference
Delivery Method Delivery Method
Delivery Name Delivery Name
Delivery Street Address Address Line 1
Delivery Suburb Suburb
Delivery City City
Delivery Region State / Region
Delivery Postal Code Post Code
Delivery Country Country
Sales Group Sales Order Group
Required Date Required Date
Unleashed Order Status Sales Order Status
Warehouse Warehouse
Sales Person Salesperson
Time Sent to Unleashed  
Sales Order URL  
Comments Comments


Salesforce Unleashed
Guid Guid
Account Name Customer Name
Account Number Customer Code
Phone Customer Contact Phone
Fax Customer Contact Fax
Website Customer Contact Website
  Postal Address:
Billing Street Address Line 1
Town / City Billing City
Billing State / Province State / Region
Billing Country Country
Billing Zip / Postal Code Postal Code
  Physical Address:
Shipping Street Address Line 1
Shipping City Town / City
Shipping State / Province State / Region
Shipping Country Country
Shipping Zip / Postal Code Postal Code

Connector Error Messages 

Error Message Description Resolution
There was an error retrieving Unleashed Customer details.
  Review the security permissions for accounts.
The Customer must be given a Customer Code.
The Customer Code value has not be specified. Enter a valid value for the Customer Code field.
Unable to send Opportunity to Unleashed.
  Verify the Opportunity details you have entered.
Product <Product Name> does not exist in Unleashed.
The product does not exist in Unleashed.  
Requested quantity of <Product Name> is higher than the quantity available in the currently selected warehouse <Warehouse Name>.
The stock on hand value is less than the available quantity.  
Tax validation error:<>.
The incorrect tax setting is selected. You must select the correct tax setting.
No Configuration
The configuration has not been activated and records have not been imported from Unleashed to Salesforce. You must activate and import the records.


Opportunity Error Messages

Error Message: If you send an Opportunity and receive an error message with regard to either the Discount field or Sub-Total fields. 

Description: This error demonstrates an issue with the 'Discount' field. (screenshot)



  1. In Salesforce, go to Setup | Customize | Opportunity | Opportunity Product | Fields.

Only Administrators can access these settings.

  1. Select your field option, either Discount link or Sub Total field, click Set Field Level Security.
  2. Depending on your organization, set the rights for the field Discount and Sub-Total to 'visible' and 'read-only.'
  3. Click Save.


Can I update a Sales Order after it has been synchronized from Salesforce to Unleashed?

Yes, you can update the Sales Order in Unleashed to include new products but it will not be synchronized to Salesforce. Alternatively, you can create a new opportunity in Salesforce and send it to Unleashed.

Will changes to Customers in Unleashed be sent to Salesforce?

The changes will be available if you reimport the customers into Salesforce.

Can I integrate multiple Unleashed accounts to once Salesforce account?

No. You can integrate only one account. You must have a different Salesforce instance for each Unleashed account.


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