To add and edit your promotions:
1. Navigate to Products -> Promotions.
Here will be a page listing all current promotions. If you already have a promotion setup, you can click on this promotion in the list below to expand and edit it.
2. To add new promotion, click the Add Promotion button on the top right side of the page.
3. Give this promotion a name and a short description.
4. Specify the date range for this promotion
5. And choose which outlet(s) this promotion will apply to.
Note: If you select All Outlets, any future outlets that are added to your store will also include this promotion.
6. Next, set the percentage discount or a dollar discount of this promotion. This discount will be applied to the current retail price of all products included in this promotion.
7. Finally, specify whether this promotion applies to all products or a specific product set.
To include only specific products, click 'Specific' and use the search bar to filter by tag, type, brand and supplier.
Tip: At this point, you can also choose to make this promotion available to all customers or one specific customer group. This is useful in cases where this promotion is available to VIP or member customers only.
8. Choose to earn loyalty from promotions.
9. Once you've completed the above steps, click save. You will now see this promotion in your promotions list.
You can test this promotion by adding a relevant product or customer group to the sell screen when processing a sale.
Note: If you have two or more active promotions(for example, one for a specific customer group and one for products) the larger discount will always be taken.
Viewing items that are part of a promotion:
1. Navigate to Products -> Promotions and click on a promotion in the list below.
2. Once here, click the View Products button to the left of the page.
This will open a list of all the products currently involved in this promotion.
Ending a promotion:
Your promotion will automatically end on the end date that you've specified. If you need to end the promotion early, it is highly recommended that you edit the promotion's end date rather than delete the promotion.
Who can add and edit promotions?
Adding and editing promotions will be off by default for cashiers and on by default for managers. The admin user can change these permissions on the user permissions screen.