Shopify Integration Guide

Shopify Integration Guide

Shopify is a complete e-commerce solution that allows you to set up an online store to sell your goods. It lets you organize your products, customize your storefront, accept credit card payments, track and respond to orders. The integration streamlines online store and stock management requirements.

  • Stock availability in Unleashed is automatically updated in real-time.
  • View accurate margins for all sales channels — based on landed costs calculated in Unleashed.
  • Stock movements are sent to your accounting provider for all sales (costs of goods sold, stock on hand is always up-to-date).
  • Using Unleashed reports, you can have centralized sales figures for different sales channels (for example: retail or wholesale).


Before You Integrate

Note the following key points:

  • Third-party apps or Add-ons in your Shopify store may conflict with the Unleashed integration. It is recommended to thoroughly test this with a Unleashed Trialaccount before integrating in your live environment.
    For any questions, contact
  • Ensure you have selected the correct configuration settings. For more information, see Shopify Integration Setup.
  • You can integrate upto a maximum of 5 Shopify stores.
  • Products - Either Unleashed or Shopify can be configured as the master system. This means that product updates will ONLY be synchronised from this system. 

When you integrate more than one Shopify store, the default product sync option will be automatically set to "Unleashed is Master". If you want to change this setting, you must contact


Product Variants

In Shopify, a product can also have variants. These are different versions of the product, such as size, color, style, and flavor. These products are grouped together in Shopify — they share the same name and handle, and each variant of the product has its own SKU. For example:. Product Name: T Shirt, Handle: T Shirt.

Size:12 Color:Black SKU:1001
Size:14 Color:Black SKU:1002
Size:12 Color:Blue SKU:1003
Size:14 Color:Blue SKU:1004


When you link your Shopify and Unleashed accounts, each variant of the product will be created as a unique product code in Unleashed.

If... Then...
Unleashed is Master A product created in Shopify cannot have any variants.
Shopify is Master If a product created has variants, each variant will be created as a separate product with a unique product code in Unleashed.



If your Shopify store is in a different currency to the base currency of your Unleashed account, you must add this currency in your settings. Otherwise, you will not be able to connect to the store with that currency. For more information about adding a currency, see Currency Rates.

Third-party apps or add-ons in your Shopify store may conflict with the Unleashed integration. Before integration, contact or ensure you do a comprehensive test for all possible scenarios. 

  1. Go to Integration | Integration Store.
  2. From the Integration Store, you can setup and configure your integration.

It is recommended that you go through all the menu options and review the functions before activating the integration. 

Shopify Integration Setup tutorial


Overview tab

  1. In the Shop Name field, specify the shop name.
  2. Click Install App.

The shop(s) you add are displayed on the Overview tab. You can add upto a maximum of 5 shops.

Configuring and Managing Data

Use the settings on the Configuration and Manage Your Data tabs to setup the import/export settings for your shop.

Manage Your Data tab

Use the Manage Your Data tab to setup your initial integration. It is recommended to use these options only when you start the integration process because all the records are imported/exported. You must use the options on the Configuration tab for subsequent import/export to speed up the process.

  • Export Stock on Hand: Exports the available stock on hand quantity of all products from Unleashed to Shopify.
  • Import Customers from Shopify to Unleashed: Imports all customers from Shopify to Unleashed.
  • Import Products from Shopify to Unleashed: Imports all products from Shopify to Unleashed.
  • Export Products from Unleashed to Shopify: Exports all products from Unleashed to Shopify.

Use the Configuration tab to configure settings for subsequent import/export.

Configuration tab

You can configure the following options for your shop:

Options Description
Shopify Order Status Select whether you want to import Paid or Fulfilled orders from Shopify to Unleashed. If you import a Fulfilled order from Shopify, the shipment and tracking details will also be imported.
Unleashed Order Status
Select the status for orders imported from Shopify to be saved as Parked, Placed, or Completed in Unleashed.
Set a prefix of this shop Assign a prefix to identify Shopify orders in Unleashed. By default, the shop name is assigned as the prefix.
Warehouse Mapping The warehouse in Unleashed where the Shopify orders are imported into.
Accounting System Invoice Select this option if you want to send the Sales Invoice to your integrated accounting provider.
NOTE: We recommend integrating your Accounting system directly with Shopify to avoid any tax or order total inconsistencies. This can be caused by tax over-rides used in Shopify for some regions. For more information, see the Shopify Help Center.
Export Stock On Hand to Shopify Any changes to stock inside Unleashed will update the count in Shopify with the "Available" amount of the product. Available amount = Stock On Hand minus Allocated Stock.
Include quantities for auto-assembled products Available only if the Export Stock on Hand to Shopify option is selected. If enabled, the Available Quantity will also include the quantity for auto-assembled products.
Assign warehouses for stock availability The available stock quantity from the selected warehouse(s) will be sent to Shopify.
The Frequency of Exporting Stock on Hand to Shopify Set the time interval for exporting stock on hand for all Shopify stores.
Product Synchronization This will enable any change to Products to sync from the system labelled as the master. Options available are: Unleashed is Master and Shopify is Master.
NOTE: If you integrate multiple shops, the "Unleashed is Master" option will be selected as the default option. If you want to change this setting, contact
Auto Publish to Online Store Enabled only if the "Unleashed is Master" option is selected for product synchronization. Select this option if you want new products added in Unleashed to be visible in your Shopify store.
Product Sell Price Tier for this shop Select the required Sell Price Tier for the shop. The product prices you have assigned for this tier will be used.
Customer Synchronization Select this option if you want any updates to customer records in Shopify to be automatically imported into Unleashed.

Manage your Products tab

You can filter the products display and select/unselect the products that are synced to Shopify. The Product Synchronization option on the Configuration tab for importing/exporting products is based on this setting.

  • Product Name 
  • Product Group
  • Product Type: If you have assembled or component products, you can select the required filter for product synchronization.
  • Use the action cog to select the following options:
    • Select All: Selects all products in the shop.
    • Select Current Page: Selects all products displayed on the current page.
    • Unselect All: Unselects all products in the shop.
    • Unselect Current Page: Unselects all products displayed on the current page.

Click Save Configuration to save the selected option.

Connection Log tab

Use the Connection Log to analyse and fix errors. The logs record only the last 7 days of activity. The following filters can be used:

  • INFO
  • ALL

Once the integration is completed:

  • You will no longer need to manage stock through Shopify. Instead, you will receive your stock through Unleashed.
  • All stock reports should only be run in Unleashed.
  • If your prices are to be tax inclusive, select the relevant option on the Tax Settings page in Shopify.

  • Changes, Credits, and Refunds:

    • Making updates to an existing order in Shopify is not recommended: create a new order.
    • You cannot add an existing transaction in Unleashed and can only process a credit.
    • Refunds are not integrated with Unleashed and must be manually created.
  • Products:
    • Unleashed controls Stock on Hand. It is recommended that you do not make any manual changes in Shopify.
    • When Unleashed is Master:
      • Products created or edited in Unleashed - passed to Shopify.
      • Products created or edited in Shopify - are not passed to Unleashed.
    • When Shopify is Master:
      • Products created or edited in Unleashed - not passed to Shopify.
      • Products created or edited in Shopify - are passed to Unleashed.

Using the Shopify Integration tutorial

Process: Shopify and Unleashed Integration

The following processes are examples that demonstrate how Shopify works with Unleashed after the integration is completed.

Example process 1

  1. You receipt a purchase order in Unleashed.
  2. Unleashed updates the quantities in Shopify for the products receipted.

Example process 2

  1. You sell a product in Shopify.
  2. A copy of the sales order is pulled into Unleashed based on the status of the Shopify order (can be paid or fulfilled).
  3. Unleashed attempts to create the sales order based on the status set in the configuration page –or– if Completed is selected and if there is not enough stock, the sale status will be ‘Parked’, and allocates stock to that sale.
  4. Sales orders will be brought into the warehouse automatically, from the mapping that was configured during the setup process.

Field Mapping 


Unleashed Shopify Shopify fields - NOT SYNCED to Unleashed 
Product Code SKU
  • Product Images
  • Product Type
  • Tags
  • Vendor
Product Description Title
Product Notes Body (HTML)
Default Sell Price Variant Price
SOH Variant Inventory Quantity
Barcode Barcode (ISBN, UPC, GTIN, etc.)


Unleashed Shopify Shopify fields - NOT SYNCED to Unleashed
Customer Code id
  • State (Active/Disabled etc.)
  • Tags
Customer Name Company
First Name First Name
Last Name Last Name
Email Address Email
Postal Street Address/PO Box Address1
Postal Suburb Address2
Postal Town/City City
Postal State/Region Province
Postal Country Country
Postal Code Zip
Phone Number Phone
Notes Note
Taxable (TRUE, FALSE) Tax Exempt (no, yes)

Sales Orders

Unleashed Shopify Shopify fields - NOT SYNCED to Unleashed
Order Number  Name
  • Discount Codes
  • Financial Status
  • Tags
  • Payment Details
Currency Code Currency
Order Date Created At
OrderQuantity Lineitem quantity
Delivery Name Shipping Name
DeliveryStreetAddress Shipping Street
DeliverySuburb Shipping Address1
DeliveryCity Shipping City
DeliveryCountry Shipping Country
DeliveryPostCode Shipping Zip
Line Comments Notes
Tax Rate Tax 1 Name
Total Tax Total Tax
Line Tax Rate Tax Line rate
Line Tax Tax Line price


Unleashed Shopify
Shipping Company Carrier
Dispatch Date Created (Fulfillment)
Tracking Number Tracking Number

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