Store Credit Reports

Store Credit Reports

Vend's Store Credit Reports feature gives you a breakdown of your Store Credit totals for a quick overview of the total store credit value issued, redeemed and outstanding. It also contains a list of all store credit issued and redeemed by your customers, allowing you to bring up customer information quickly to view their current store credit balance and redemption status.

To access store credit reports head to the reporting tab in the sidebar and select 'Store Credit Reports'.

Once here, you'll see your store credit report. This report is made up of two sections:

1. Summary of Store Credit Totals:

In the first section, you'll see a summary of your store credit totals. Here you can find information on:

Total Value Issued: This will give you the total value of all store credit that has been issued in your store since you activated the Vend store credit feature.

Total Value Redeemed: Listed here will be the total amount of store credit value that has been redeemed in your store to date.

Outstanding Balance: This will give you the total outstanding amount, i.e., the current store credit issued that is yet to be redeemed.

2. Store Credit List:

In the next section, you will find a list of every customer who has a store credit history. This list contains three columns; Total Sold, Total Redeemed and Balance.

Total Issued: This shows you the total value of store credit that has been issued to the customer.

Total Redeemed: This shows the amount of store credit this customer has redeemed to date.

Balance: Listed here is the current outstanding store credit the customer has left to redeem.

You can also click on one of the customers in this list to view the transaction history of their store credit. Here you will see the date and time any store credit was issued or redeemed and how much value was issued or redeemed with each transaction.

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